Raise your hand if you’re not a Christmas addicted !
Good morning everybody, welcome back to my cozy virtual home.
Since a few days our home is filled with the noes of “Last Christmas” by Wham! (For my husband and I, 89’s kids, they’re a must!) and it’s a sign that the most magical time of the year is approaching!
We all love the Christmas feeling, the enchanted atmosphere, the fairy lights, the warm spot at the fireplace, gift wrapping, Santa Letters (because we all five believe in him and that’s what we like), decorate the house, prepare new and cool projects to spice it up every year, think about presents for friends and family, so we really can’t get bored!
We have traditions and rituals that we follow every year, and yes, we do fight! They bring us back into a time when we started building our family memories.
The girls waited no time, on Sunday they prepared their tree at the center of their bedroom, it’s all decorated with the baubles they created last year!
In a couple of days I’ll start removing everything fall related, it’ll be packed with care and out in our storage for next year; I’ll start bringing upstairs all the boxes of Christmas decorations (and those are many many many boxes), we will free the tree from its box so it can breathe and we will place the living one in the garden.
We will open everything, choose the old decorations to place and we will welcome the new handmade ones!
Every year we add new decorative pieces that follow the trends or just because they’re charming and I can’t give up on the idea. My trips, both irl and virtual, inspire me and they’re what brings me into creating and shaping new creations and idea.
In those last years I thought abound and then realized, perfected,and brought to life some new projects which I decided to merge in a bigger Christmas folder.
As always it wasn’t an easy task, it was very hard to balance my life as mother, wife and friend with the working one. We all know the difficulties we face while working from home. Starting and ending a project in a set amount of time is not always possible due to all the house maintaining work and kids care I have to pcarry out. And a moms life is extremely busy!
However I managed like I always do because passion and enthusiasm really push me to keep on pursuing what I love.
So, long Story short, the book scheduled for half October is launching NOW!
A big and heartfelt thank you goes to my family which supported me with this project through its creation period. I am immensely grateful for it.
It’s a collection of projects that has its own story.
It’s a collection of what started as sketches, in the most different times and settings, which saw the light, others are ugly ducklings which became beautiful swans after some love and care. It took me three years to realize, write, draw the patterns, sew and photograph this project.
Now click here and listen to
Last Christmas so that you too can enter in the right mood to read this book and feel the atmosphere I wanted to create through these projects.
They will surely inspire you.
The majority of my inspiration came from our wonderful trip in the States.
I was in a typical country style shop in Strasbourg, Pennsylvania (one of the countries where there is still an Amish community presence) and when, for the first time, I saw those beauty Christmas pillows with a print of the truck and the car I couldn’t wait to make another one for my home too.
Since I’m not great at coloring and painting I decided to recreate it in the best way I knew I could capture its essence: sewing.
I carefully chosen all the patterns and after so much time, trial and errors, it was born and I am so in love with it.

I didn’t wanna limit myself to the pillow only, I created this design as a tree ornament so that everyone would be able to create it.

The creation that makes me extremely proud and makes my heart race is the work holder and the scissor fob.
I don’t wanna sound too Braggy but the idea of creating a scissor holder in the shape of a Christmas tree is just genius and makes this project shine in a new fresh light. It’s a must have and a must read!
Also the appliqués for this project can become other tree ornaments.
Once again old America, the country aestheti which is so dear to me, is the main character.
Those are the farms, the stores, main characters of this small series of sewing paintings I decided to frame but can be used for many other projects (a few are suggested in the book too).
Then there is her, my lovely reindeer (you can really tell I’m a Capricorn and I love my fellow horned friends).
Maybe you remember her but now she has been revamped.
For the longest time I’ve been looking at her trying to figure out what was wrong. Not all donut hats come with a hole but in this case I could fix it!
A bit of “surgery” and new accessories made the difference!
A real Christmas miracle.
How many times have we seen this typical British desserts, I always loved their colors and shapes (I have no idea about the taste since I never actually had one!) to realize them I had to refreshed my geometry knowledge and then, after a few tries, they were born.
The first prototypes were in regular cotton fabric but I prefer them in fleece, they have a better unique touch.
I will use them as table decorations, positioning them on a piece of wood or plate, but I still have to make up my mind for this.
You will find the pattern in three different sizes and they can be used as ornaments too!
In the book you will find more smaller projects to create, printable planners to plan the month of December, Christmas recipes cards, Christmas present lists, Christmas cards and present tags to personalize your wrappings.

And now let’s get an overview of the more technical bits:
The book is composed by THREE pdf files which will be shipped via EMAIL (so please be sure to use a working email you check regularly)
You just need to download them and, eventually, print it.
In the first file you will find:
ABC of creative sewing
Tutorial buttonhole stitch
Tutorial appliqués
6 christmas tree ornaments
3 Christmas pudding decorations (small, medium, large)
The Reindeer
Work holder and scissor fob
Christmas truck pillow
3 sewn illustration with the old America stores and farm
Some projects do not require a sewing machine and can be hand sewn with the buttonhole stitch.
Second FILE
Includes all pattern ready to be printed
Third FILE
Includes a series of planning pages such as: monthly and weekly planning, planning of upcoming projects, presents, recipes as well as tags and Christmas tags.

Christmas is coming
Can be found in my shop
or you can send me an email.